CH-4 – Edge Feature Extraction – Part-5

Important Note: This article is part of the series in which discuss theory of Video Stream Matching.

Basically Algo is one but here using its two possible approaches.

  • Edge Map
  • Edge Angles Algorithm 3


BMP Image


Array Of Numerical values define the Edge Map.


It takes an Image and converts it into gray scale if it is not already in gray scale. Then apply Canny Algorithm 6 Steps define in chapter 2 and return the image edges.

Step 0 : Start

Step 1 : Takes input an Image (im).

Step 2 : If (im) in gray scale

If not


convert (im) into gray scale.

Step 3 : (im1) = Apply Gaussian to remove noise (im)

Step 4 : (im2) = Apply Sobel operator in Horizontal direction (im1)

Step 5 : (im3) = Apply Sobel operator in Vertical direction (im1)

Step 6 : AddIm = Im2 + Im3

Step 7 : Loop1: for I =rows of (AddIm) //calculate 4 angles according to define

Step 8 : Loop2: for J = columns of (AddIm)

Step 9 : Calculate angle for each AddIm(I,J)

Store in AngelMat(I,J)

Step 10 : end Loop1

Step 11 : end Loop2

Step 12 : t1 = Threshold(AddIm)

Step 13 : t1= t1 + t1* 0.5 // for non maxima suppression

Step 14 : Loop1 : for i=rows of AddIm

Step 15 : Loop2 : for j=columns of AddIm

If AddIm( i,j) >t1 and AngleMat(i,j) is according to rules

Set AddIm( i,j) =1


Set AddIm( i,j) =0

Step 16: end Loop2

Step 17: end Loop1

Step 18 : t1 = Threshold(AddIm)

Step 19 : t2 = t1 + t1* 0.5 // for Double Threshold

Step 20 : Loop1 : for i=rows of AddIm

Step 21 : Loop2 : for j=columns of AddIm

If AddIm( i,j) >t1

Set AddIm( i,j) =1


Set AddIm( i,j) =0

Step 22 : Cheak 8-N of ( i,j)

If AddIm( i,j) Neighbours > t2


Set to 1


Set to 0

Step 23: end Loop2

Step 24: end Loop1

Step 25 : Return (AddIm)

Step 26 : Stop Algorithm 4


BMP Image


Array Of Numerical values define the Edge Angles.


It takes an Image and converts it into gray scale if it is not already in gray scale. Then apply Canny Algorithm 6 Steps define in chapter 2 and return the image angles.

Step 0 : Start

Step 1 : Takes input an Image (im).

Step 2 : If (im) in gray scale

If not


convert (im) into gray scale.

Step 3 : (im1) = Apply Gaussian to remove noise (im)

Step 4 : (im2) = Apply Sobel operator in Horizontal direction (im1)

Step 5 : (im3) = Apply Sobel operator in Vertical direction (im1)

Step 6 : AddIm = Im2 + Im3

Step 7 : Loop1: for I =rows of (AddIm) //calculate 4 angles according to define

Step 8 : Loop2: for J = columns of (AddIm)

Step 9 : Calculate angle for each AddIm(I,J)

Store in AngelMat(I,J)

Step 10 : end Loop1

Step 11 : end Loop2

Step 12 : Row =1 , Col =1

Step 13 : Loop1 : for i=rows of AddIm // make tiles of image

Step 14 : Col = Col + 1 , Row = 1 ;

Step 15 : Loop2 : for j=columns of AddIm

Calculate number of times each angle occuers in each tile

And store it in ResAng(Row,Col)

Row = Row + 1

Step 16: end Loop2

Step 17: end Loop1

Step 18 : Return (ResAng)

Step 19 : Stop

Ali Imran
Over the past 20+ years, I have been working as a software engineer, architect, and programmer, creating, designing, and programming various applications. My main focus has always been to achieve business goals and transform business ideas into digital reality. I have successfully solved numerous business problems and increased productivity for small businesses as well as enterprise corporations through the solutions that I created. My strong technical background and ability to work effectively in team environments make me a valuable asset to any organization.

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