
Efficient File Synchronization with rsync

File synchronization and transfer between directories or across networked systems is a common task in IT. One of the most powerful and versatile tools for this purpose is rsync. This article explains various rsync commands with examples and explanations of the command prompt instructions.

Installing rsync

First, ensure rsync is installed on your system. On Ubuntu or other Debian-based systems, you can install it using the following command:

sudo apt-get install rsync

This command uses apt-get, the package handling utility in Debian-based distributions, with sudo to execute the command as a superuser, and installs the rsync package.

Basic rsync Usage

Synchronizing Directories

The basic syntax of rsync is as follows:

rsync /app/ /targetfolder

This command synchronizes the contents of /app/ with /targetfolder. It copies all files and directories from the source (/app/) to the destination (/targetfolder).

Common Options

  • -v: Verbose mode, provides detailed information about the transfer process.
  • -r: Recursively transfer directories and their contents.
  • -a: Archive mode, which preserves permissions, times, symbolic links, and other attributes.
  • -z: Compress file data during the transfer.

Examples with Options

  1. Verbose and Compressed Transfer
   rsync -vrz /app/ /targetfolder

This command adds verbosity (-v), recursion (-r), and compression (-z), making the transfer more efficient and informative.

  1. Archive Mode
   rsync -a /app/ /targetfolder

Using -a, this command ensures that all file attributes are preserved during the transfer.

  1. Dry Run
   rsync -anv /app/ /targetfolder

The -n option performs a dry run, showing what would be transferred without actually copying any files.

  1. Archiving with Compression
   rsync -avz /app/ /targetfolder

This command combines archive mode (-a), verbosity (-v), and compression (-z), providing a comprehensive synchronization process.

  1. Running as Superuser
   sudo rsync -avz /app/ /targetfolder

Using sudo allows the command to run with superuser privileges, useful when accessing files that require elevated permissions.

Remote Synchronization

  1. Pushing Data to a Remote Server
   rsync -avz /app/ vagrant@

This command synchronizes /app/ to the ~/backup/ directory on a remote server with IP address using the vagrant user.

  1. Specifying Remote Directory
   rsync -avz /app/ vagrant@

This command pushes /app/ to /home/backup/ on the remote server.

  1. Pulling Data from a Remote Server
   rsync -avz vagrant@ /app/

This command pulls data from the remote server’s /home/backup/ directory to the local /app/ directory.

Scheduling with Cron

To automate synchronization, you can schedule rsync with cron. For example, to run the synchronization every day at 2 AM:

0 2 * * * rsync -avz /app/ vagrant@

Using SSH and Custom Ports

To use rsync over SSH with a custom port:

rsync -avz -e "ssh -p 2222" /app/ vagrant@

The -e option specifies the remote shell program to use, in this case, SSH with port 2222.

Deleting and Existing Files

  1. Delete Files in Destination Not Present in Source
   rsync --delete -avz /app/ vagrant@
  1. Update Only Existing Files
   rsync --existing -avz /app/ vagrant@

Including and Excluding Files

  1. Including Specific Files
   rsync -avzi /app/ vagrant@

The -i option provides a detailed list of changes for each file.

  1. Including and Excluding File Patterns
   rsync --include '*.php' --exclude '*.txt' -avz /app/ vagrant@

This command includes files ending with .php and excludes those ending with .txt.


rsync is a versatile and efficient tool for synchronizing files and directories both locally and remotely. By understanding and using its various options, IT professionals can ensure reliable and efficient data transfer and backup processes.

Ali Imran
Over the past 20+ years, I have been working as a software engineer, architect, and programmer, creating, designing, and programming various applications. My main focus has always been to achieve business goals and transform business ideas into digital reality. I have successfully solved numerous business problems and increased productivity for small businesses as well as enterprise corporations through the solutions that I created. My strong technical background and ability to work effectively in team environments make me a valuable asset to any organization.

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