
Configure Git Plugin on Jenkins

Git stands as a widely embraced version control tool. Jenkins facilitates code retrieval from Git repositories via the GitHub plugin.


Ensure you have:

  1. A Jenkins server.

Install Git on Jenkins server

To install Git packages on your Jenkins server, execute the following command:

yum install git -y

Setup Git on Jenkins console

Follow these steps to configure Git on the Jenkins console:

  • Install the Git plugin without requiring a restart:
  • Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Jenkins Plugins > Available > GitHub.
  • Configure the Git path:
  • Access Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > Git.
Ali Imran
Over the past 20+ years, I have been working as a software engineer, architect, and programmer, creating, designing, and programming various applications. My main focus has always been to achieve business goals and transform business ideas into digital reality. I have successfully solved numerous business problems and increased productivity for small businesses as well as enterprise corporations through the solutions that I created. My strong technical background and ability to work effectively in team environments make me a valuable asset to any organization.

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