Programming Tools

Jenkins, an Autonomous Java-based Application

Jenkins, an autonomous Java-based application, is designed for immediate deployment across various operating systems like Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix-like systems. Functioning as a highly adaptable automation server, Jenkins serves as both a basic Continuous Integration (CI) server and a comprehensive continuous delivery center for diverse project requirements.

To establish and configure the Jenkins server within a Linux environment, the installation of Java is a prerequisite. The following steps outline the process:

  1. Java Installation Java is a mandatory component. Utilize the sudo user for Java installation.
   sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre

   sudo update-alternatives --config java
  1. Jenkins Installation Initially, procure the Jenkins Binary suitable for debian Linux.
   wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -

   sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'

   sudo apt-get update

Proceed with the installation of Jenkins on the designated machine.

   sudo apt-get install jenkins
  1. Server Access


   sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

The installation and configuration of Jenkins on a Linux server necessitate the presence of Java. Following a structured sequence of commands, Java is first installed, then Jenkins is downloaded and set up. Post-installation, accessing the server involves retrieving the initial administrative password for further configuration.

Ali Imran
Over the past 20+ years, I have been working as a software engineer, architect, and programmer, creating, designing, and programming various applications. My main focus has always been to achieve business goals and transform business ideas into digital reality. I have successfully solved numerous business problems and increased productivity for small businesses as well as enterprise corporations through the solutions that I created. My strong technical background and ability to work effectively in team environments make me a valuable asset to any organization.

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